Friday, April 18, 2008

Islanders Town Hall meeting take 1 - 4/16/08

Having been to a few of these Islander events in the past six years, I was curious to see how this would be different from the past “sales” events. This one had a decidedly different feel. This one came while the wound of not making the playoffs is still fresh in rabid Islanders fans’ heads. This one was designed to bolster confidence in the organization as well as the team for next season and show how badly they want exactly what the fans want… A WINNER!

While the Q&A period with Snow & Nolan may have seemed like an exercise in stating the obvious, you need to see it as only part of the bigger picture of what they were trying to convey. This is why Chris Dey and Charles Wang addressed the audience themselves. This is why prior to the presentation, Dey could be found introducing himself, shaking hands and asking questions of the attendees. Gone are the days when the management of this club would hide for fear of a mob lynching.

Before I get too deep into my details, as I may lose some of you quickly, I would like to share with you a few things that I found out that you wouldn’t see anywhere else.

1) Yes, there are six more of these fan events scheduled for the “off-season” as there will be NO more off-season where the Islanders are concerned.
2) They are taking the show on the Road! Expect to see a brand new Islander RV out and about on Long Island spreading the word. However, this time, the new twist will be…. Players. Yep, this summer expect to see not just Sparky and the Icegirls in your neighborhood, but also some of your favorite players. Now THIS is an unprecedented move. Hope the NHLPA doesn’t get wind of it.

Ok… back to how I saw Wednesday night.

When I first arrived, I was very happy to see a lovely spread of food and drinks and even a coffee station set up in the lower lobby. Someone call Mike Milbury and tell him for all the years I complained to him that I couldn’t get a cup of coffee at these things, I actually opted for the Diet Coke this time. He’ll enjoy it. Trust me.

Upon walking through the door, each attendee was given a goodie bag with the best item in it being a $10 off certificate to Borelli’s, my personal favorite I-Tral-ian restaurant. There was also a sticker, a new keyring and a copy of the Islanders Illustrated season ending issue.

I was having a problem navigating the padded Astroturf that the Dragons play on. I hope that I wasn’t poking holes through it with my heels. The kids were having a great time on the bounce around and the other play items that were set up for them to enjoy, and there were tables of reduced price merchandise. At a table filled with used equipment, I noticed there were two player stall plaques on the table. One was Johnson; I was okay with that one. The other was… was… BERGENHEIM! My Blog Box buddy Tiger Track Tom had to calm me down as I started to stutter and panic.

“It’s just a plaque, Dee. They make them all the time. It doesn’t mean anything. Relax.”

“Where’s Garth! I want to see Garth!” I was hyperventilating.

“Just breathe Dee. It’ll be alright.” Tom reassured me as we went around saying our hellos and then grabbed seats in the first two rows. Fellow blogger Frank Trovato made his way there as well as Mike Carey and Mike Schuerlein (sans camera). Tom took his usual place between Frank and me to minimize the chaos between us. We waited patiently for the presentation to begin, which did, exactly on time. You can see the entire presentation on ITV with even better audio then we endured on the floor. Since the presentation is on line, I won’t reiterate the entire thing. However, just hear me out as I tell you what I came away with from the night.

First, Chris Dey did not get up onto the stage. He addressed the crowd from the floor as to better connect with the audience. He wanted everyone to see in his eyes his own desire and dedication to “getting it done.” Moreover, if there is someone who can get it done, it is Chris Dey. Dey has an understanding of the passion and dedication that fans put into their “home team” and he wants everyone to know that the Islanders are indeed, Long Island’s “Home Team.” Interesting point, they are the only team named after their fans and who have the map of “home” on their jersey. Of course, this was all in place before he was, but I never really thought of it that way. He knows that we are fans 365 days a year. For us, there is no “off-season.”

It made me very proud to hear about the over $1 million they have collected for non-profit organizations this season alone. I came away with a better understanding of the Islanders Inspire program, which hosted over 12,017 children to attend Islander games using the player’s own money. These local kids would never normally be able to get to a live game. They are looking to double that number for next season. This is growing the game from the ground floor.

While there are those that constantly condemn the Islanders and their fans for the attendance record, two numbers hold hope for the franchise. They are the third in the NHL for percentage of increase in attendance, and third in their group sales effort. So while others are mocking the attendance number, they are not thinking of the attendance percentage, which has increased. Hockey is NOT dead on Long Island. Its just a little cash strapped right now by our cost of living.

As I drove passed a gas station on Sunrise Hwy this morning, I noticed that regular gas is now $3.79 a gallon. I thought about the Islanders goal of 10,000 season tickets sold this season and I couldn’t help by swallow hard. This is going to be a difficult task this summer. Unless we get a little relief from skyrocketing costs here, the entertainment budget will be minimal, no matter how good the team is.

Next up was the Lighthouse presentation video followed by Mr. Wang’s segment of the program. He started off stating his disappointment that they didn’t make it to the post season and “….until we get the Stanley Cup I won’t be happy and neither should you.” This of course received applause from the crowd.

However, what I found most prophetic about his speech was this: “Failure is not fatal, Failure to Change is Fatal.” Does that tell you anything? It did to me. He discussed the headway the Lighthouse project has made so far and his hope and belief that it can be done. If all goes as planned, the Coliseum renovation would be the first thing to start in July of ‘09, and it will take two seasons to complete, but the thinking is, just like the Devils this season, the team would just start out on the road and return to the Coliseum by the end of October.

Mr. Wang’s tag line for the project: “Coming to a parking lot near you -- The Lighthouse.” Think that is a dig at Nassau County? Yeah… I would say so.

Garth took the microphone and started out with a self-deprecating joke, which went over well. However, what he said after, told more about him than his stoic demeanor conveys. “Average is as close to the bottom as it is to the top. I’m sick of being average.” He meant it.

He talked about retooling the scouting staff in 2006. It seems to have paid quick dividends with five players in the World Juniors. The future is already taking shape; it’s the present that needs a little work.

Snow talked about the upcoming draft and showed a video that ITV had about 24 hours to put together on the prospects that may be available to the Islanders in June. There is great promise in this year’s draft. We should all cross our fingers.

Ted Nolan was introduced and chants of “Three more years!” rose from a group in the crowd. Of all the speakers for the evening, Ted looked the least comfortable. But I think that has a lot to do with his experience with the media. I am a witness to how quickly he will lose all expression when faced with a camera and a microphone. I think he was just unsure how to deal with not only the cameras and the microphones but also a 60-foot screen behind him and a live audience in front of him.

The audio quality made it difficult to understand some of what he said, as he discussed the known and unknown injuries this year’s team faced. Again, this is a man who has to choose his words with the media very carefully, trying to answer but not revealing everything. He did the same to the audience.

The Q&A period was short, but they were running on a timetable they were determined to keep. Of course, the two biggest questions were signing Sean Bergenheim whom both Ted and Garth had praised up and down during the program. But Snow would not reveal anything relating to his contract. This leaves me to believe that Sean has NOT changed his agent yet, and we all know how THAT turned out the last time. For all those who were disappointed that they came away without the answer, think of it as watching the 6 o’clock news talking about a legal scandal and think about how much information you get out of that. Zippo.

The most telling gesture came when the question of Ted and Garth’s working relationship was posed. They knew it was coming, so here was the moment of truth. Although they were both smiling, Ted gestured to turn his back to Garth as if to say, “Are you going to stab me?” On the other hand, it could have been a “Do you want me not to know?” Either way, this was Ted being TED. They are complete opposites of each other. Garth answered, “We have a great working relationship and we communicate on a daily basis.” Note the words “working” and “communicate”. I don’t think they do lunch and go tie shopping. But all they need to do is work together. I have a number of people in my office that I absolutely cannot stand. But it does not mean I don’t work with them effectively. That is what business is. Working effectively.

So... if you want to hear the pre-screened question and answer period as well as all the other items, tune into ITV and spend 58 minutes watching. Make your own assessment of what you hear and what you see. Just know they are trying. This is a lot more than we used to get.
But I can’t wait to see that RV!!!

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