Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Where's the Press Release Garth?

It's now 5:37 pm on July 1st. Last year at this time, I was a puddle in front of my computer and my email box overfloweth with sympathy notes.

"I'm sorry about Blake, Dee. Are you going to be okay?" It was very sweet of my email pen pals to be concerned over my mental health and well being.

But as they say... that which does not kill us, only makes us stronger.

This morning didn't mean as much to me, but I surely expected Garth Snow to at least make a little noise. So far, I haven't even heard a squeak. Now, Corey Witt's blog mentioned that we would indeed get any press releases on any signings, but I'm certain that if I continue to listen to Canadian radio, I will get the information faster that way.

So I take it we still wait. Or as everyone is buzzing because of Botta's blog, should that be "Weight?"

Oh well... it's Happy Hour somewhere.

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