Sunday, February 22, 2009

White Out, Shut Out, Shut Up.

Good Morning. Before I get into game notes from an exceptional 60 minutes of Hockey (please see next entry), I'd like to make a statement.

This morning I read one four different articles how the fan-based "White Out for the Lighthouse" was a "wash out." I agree. However, I have a bone to pick with all of you real media types.

WHERE WERE YOU WHEN WE WERE TELLING YOU THIS WAS PLANNED? Did you mention it in your columns prior to, oh let's say, FRIDAY? Did you include it in anything you may have written over the last two weeks? Hmmmm... sadly, I don't seem to remember that.

But sure enough, this morning you are all touting how it fizzled in the sea of Blue. Thanks for your support.

If this was an experiment to see the power of the Internet based fan groups, then yes. It failed dismally. For that, am truly sorry. I did expect more from the Islanders' "Official" Message board and such. However, I also heard such things as "I don't have a white jersey." and "I forgot." And my favorite, "I'm more comfortable this year watching the games on TV."

Without the support of the MSM (Main Stream Media) PRIOR to such a outcry for event support, and without the support from the main message outlet (the website), it was painfully obvious that we were doomed.

I will tell you that a good portion of the Internet savvy Islanders fans who are on message boards and blogs do so because they are not locals. The Internet is the only way they have to stay connected to the team and other fans. Without the support of our local media connecting with the hardcore and prospective fans who do not need to search the web for information, a concerted effort to accomplish anything will not work.

That said, more than likely a large showing at Tuesday's Town Of Hempstead meeting may not materialize either. Those who are not working on Tuesday 2/24, should PLEASE attend. Those desperately trying to cling to their jobs may have to forgo it, even though their support for the project is there.

So thanks again Main Stream Media for reporting AFTER the fact. Oh wait... that's right. You're REPORTERS covering the aftermath of the train wreck. The bloggers are the promoters always looking ahead, the reporters supply the requiem.

The chasm is wide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. SNAP! That is tellin' it like it is. Great article!Getting support for projects is like banging your head on the wall. If the media doesn't co-operate, you might as well not even try. It doesn't help to know about an event after the fact.