Sunday, March 1, 2009

No News is.... No News...

Supposedly the media was alerted that there would be no announcement tonight regarding the move or non-move of Captain Bill Guerin. I don't seem to have MY notification, ahem, ahem. But of course I don't need it since I get my info where everyone else does.

This is like waiting for the white smoke to come out of the chimney at the Vatican to find out the next Pope. Okay, not really. This is just hanging on the couch with one IE window on PB for the last 24 hours. Very exciting.

My take on no news? No-nonsense Mr. Snow may have just gotten hosed. I know he doesn't like it when a fellow GM attempts to pull the wool over his eyes or change plans last minute and add something that was on the table originally in order to make a deal. It happens.

Or this could be something to do with league approvals. Do we know? Nope. Not yet.

So while Garth Snow was trying to create a valuable trade proposal, I was creating the following: Chicken Tostada Pizza.

Pizza dough, 1/2 can refried beans spread evenly over lightly oiled crust, 1 1/2 cups cooked diced chicken, 1/2 green pepper diced, 1 large scallion sliced thin, 1/2 cup salsa, 1- 1.5 cup mixed shredded cheese, Cheddar, monterey jack, mozzarella.

Place all ingredients scattered over dough and bake at 425 for about 20 minutes. Serve with creamed avacado and hot sauce if you wish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Omg come you didnt call me out of my office when dinner was done???