Monday, April 13, 2009

Legislator Dave Denenberg's Memorandum of Support

The Lighthouse Project, it's about the economy people!!

Oh, the heck with it! I’m not a journalist, I never pretended to be. I’m a blogger, which basically means I’m a fan with a podium. However, I’m also a tax payer, a voter and a Long Islander that is worried about making my bills.

I stood in the rain with more than 100 other Long Islanders worried about the same thing.

I would love to sit here and spend my time writing a thought provoking article for you, but why bother. The truth of the matter is that the reading public is being misled by the media. Sure, I hear that journalists have to present both sides of an argument in an effort to be fair. However, what I’m seeing on the fight for the Lighthouse Project is far from fair. No one is painting the entire picture and I’m a little concerned that our Long Island media outlets, News 12 and Newsday are both owned by Cablevision, the owners of MSG, MSG Plus and the NY Rangers. Should I be surprised at how this situation is being handled?

Did either media outlet mention the representatives of the NAACP as being in attendance or speaking? Did they receive any quotes from the other elected officials? Did they ask questions to bystanders who were NOT in Islanders jerseys? The answer to those questions is the same. No.

The people that gathered and that signed that giant Memorandum of Support were there to fight for their economic lives. This is not about Hockey on Long Island. This is about the ability to LIVE on Long Island and in order to do that we need jobs. While ToH Supervisor Kate Murray will have you believe this is simply a “Pep Rally” to keep the Islanders she is ignoring the bigger picture. While the official statements are about maintaining the suburban tranquility and requesting federal stimulus funds that are not applicable in this case, there are people standing on the unemployment line. How about those homeowners having problems paying their property taxes.

How about when those “real media reporters” decide to talk to the people at these gatherings, they ask them MORE than “Are you worried the Islanders will leave Long Island?” Perhaps one of them should have spoken to one of the most visible fan faces in the Islanders army. He’s at every game with his beautiful young daughter and his home made signs. They were there in the rain on Saturday too to lend their support not just for the team, but for the Lighthouse Project.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do, Dee. I have a small landscaping business. I’m feeling it too. I’ve had to lay people off. I’ve got kids to support. We need jobs here.” So while everyone who doesn’t speak to him may think that he’s only lending his support to his team, he is not. He is worried about the future for his children.

Who will bring technology and industry to this little dot of geography if two prominent Long Islanders are not allowed to fund it themselves? Who will invest in our future if this doesn’t go through? No one.

News 12 mentioned a survey done that garnered a 27% response AGAINST the Lighthouse Project. Thank you for the statement. Where are the rest of the figures? Tell me what percentage didn’t care or what percentage was FOR the project. Better yet, tell me who the heck was polled. Give me the actual demographics of your survey so that I can have an accurate view of the poll rather than telling me “Look how many responded AGAINST the project.”

Maybe you should also tell me the unemployment rate for the Town Of Hempstead and then state how many jobs would be generated. Or how about mentioning the County tax revenue that will be gained from the project being built or lost should the major tenant leave.

Can someone please tell me why the entire picture is not being presented to the general public of Long Island? Why is this politics as usual?

I’m surprised that the NAACP had representatives standing in the pouring rain, and no media outlet picked up on it. They were there to support the potential jobs the project will bring to the community which will improve the economic situations of so many. They were NOT there to throw their support behind a 30th place hockey team. How did the reporters miss them? They had caps with “NAACP” right on them taking photos with the elected officials, labor leaders and the Islanders two biggest fans.

“We have to do what we can to keep Long Islanders on Long Island.” said one of the officials.

“If you build it, Long Island will thrive. It’s all about new suburbia.” The Town of Hempstead isn't looking forward, they are only looking back.

This is MORE than keeping a hockey team. This is about saving our economic future. So Journalists, if you’re going to cover this fight, please give the readers ALL the facts when you report.


Doug Davidson said...

Great Stuff, Dee! I'm sorry I couldn't have been there with you. Hopefully, things will start to even themselves out as the process continues.

Nick said...

Dee, excellent analysis. It angers me to my very core that the media is abdicating its responsibility and people like you and me are the only ones standing up for the truth. It just means that we need to raise our voices a little louder.

(By the way, I'm finally done basking in the glow of BU's national title, and I'll be back at the blog tomorrow).