Friday, December 18, 2009

"That's the Way it Goes"

Okay, I'm in Holiday Hell Panic mode now. Work is killing me as it is the end of the year and everyone wants everything NOW. I've turned into a one armed juggler and I'm really getting tired.

I opted to watch the game at home while I was wrapping gifts. Everything that is here is wrapped. Then I thought about all the gifts I bought on line that still haven't arrived and my head started to hurt. I also thought about the cookies that need to be baked, the presents that still need to be purchased, the decorations still sitting in the crawlspace and the cleaning that has yet to be done.

I got a sick feeling in my stomach to go with the headache. I couldn't even do a post game last night as my brain just literally shut down. I feel asleep with my hands still on the keyboard and knew I had to call it a night.

My Islanders 5 - 2 loss, or the Lundqvist show write-up is here at HockeyBuzz. I wrote it this morning while I am watching the really "fabulous" news about the impending blizzard. I am a dead woman this weekend.

The Islanders have today off. I think I'll take the day off from hockey as well. There's too much Holiday stuff to do and not enough time.


1 comment:

~me said...

even superman had to sleep!!
tight hugs....

so excited for the snow!! we got another cord of wood and nothing to do but....

BAKE and build snowmen!!!

so-- sunday we probally won't be coming by after church like i wanted to
did i say i was excited for snow....

(dancing...let it snow...let it snow)

oh yah...

sorry about that spanking the Isles got last night...