Sunday, May 1, 2011

Eighteen Minutes With Garth Snow

Yes, finally it is complete and proofed. For sure, you'll find some typos since I conducted the interview on Monday and have had to change a few things since then.

Nothing Earth shattering, of course, but still a few answers about (or at least a touch of insight into) what is hoped for next season.

Pull up a chair, pour a beverage and click here . Due to the nature of my narrative writing, it will take almost as long to READ the account as it did for me to experience it.

Of course, I had to leave out the additional 15 minutes I spent without the recorder on. As I Tweeted out on Monday afternoon, you know the on-the-record portion of an interview is over when the GM leans over and turns off your recorder for you. There are those who told me I need to hide another recorder that he can't turn off. But I could never do that. My eyes would give me away, and I'm afraid Eric Cairns would shake me down to get at it.

And while I have always called Mr. Snow "The Big Guy," Eric Cairns would definitely be "The REALLY Big Guy," and I wouldn't want to piss him off.

We all know what happens when you piss off Eric Cairns.... ;o)

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