Friday, January 16, 2009

Lighthouse articles: Your Thoughts?

I've waited until 11 pm to even consider writing what I think. I've had the entire day to read the articles, listen to comments, read countless passionate fan posts on various websites, hear about it on NHL's home ice and then sit with my husband across the dinner table at 8 pm after we FINALLY de-chrismafied the house.

"So Paulie asked me today who I was going to root for when the Islanders move to Kansas City. I told him I didn't know. I'd probably get more involved in college hockey." This is how B.A.M. started the conversation while I served up my ham & pineapple pizza and vodka sauce with shrimp pizza. (I made two so there is some for tomorrow.)

"Paulie said he'd probably just give up hockey all together. He can't fathom switching teams." I completely understand this thought process. But it's not one I may live by.

"I'm already a Zach Parise fan. But I won't go to Jersey. As long as they don't take the Sound Tigers too, I'll be fine." It was the first time I had really given the possibility of NO Islanders hockey on Long Island a second thought.

Having had numerous conversations with Katrina Doell from the Lighthouse project as well as listening to so many others, I've just been of the mindset that this is what they are working for, so this is what will be. Sooner or later. The concept that we may not be without a team just didn't occur to me.

But certainly the possibility is real, but not imminent. Truth of the matter is, since I have no control over the outcome of the disposition of that 150 acres of vast nothingness, I'm really not going to worry myself sick over whether or not I'll have a local team to watch. It's not like I'll give up hockey. I'll watch anyone play. So for me, there's plenty of options. Hell, I'll drive to Boston. But I won't be driving or flying to Kansas City, that's for sure.

I would still like to think the deal will get done. But if it doesn't, it doesn't and there's not much I can do about it. But I will remain hopeful and not let the media machine get me sick.

So, have you heard about the Goal Green initiative? A very worthwhile program for all of Long Island and beyond. And it's really easy to sign up and do what they ask. It's just a matter of saving energy. And if you sign up, maybe you will remember to actually DO the things they ask and turn off your lights, unplug your phone and computer and do a little recycling Sound hard? Not at all.

And this from the Isles website regarding tomorrow night's game against the Devils:

Tomorrow will also be the kick-off event for "Goal Green," an environmental and social commitment campaign to educate the people of Long Island about how they can all contribute to a greener environment. The Islanders have partnered with the Long Island Power Authority, National Grid, Boro Recycling and Covanta Energy—to launch "Goal Green."

Fans attending the game are encouraged to bring in small electronic devices—such as old cell phones—that can be recycled during "Goal Green" Recycling Nights. All fans who contribute an item will receive two ticket vouchers for Wednesday night's game against the Ducks.

Come on! We've all got old cell phones, MP3 players, hand held video games. Stuff that is just collecting dust on your dresser or stashed in your underwear drawer. Bring it for recycling. Maybe they can be put to good use. And look, you may get something out of it.

Yesterday when I first saw the website there were 8 supporters. They now have 22, and that includes me. So rather than bitching and moaning about the Town of Hempstead and Kate Murray, how about doing something a little more constructive for the Islanders and sign up for this worthwhile program. Improve your karma at the same time. At least this we can DO something about.

Let's see if Dubie is in net tomorrow. But that is only if his paperwork from Russia without Love is all in order. But we'll see. That, and the little ceremony for Billy and Doug, will be the highlights of the evening I'm sure. But hey! It's Islanders hockey and it's entertainment and it is ours.... for now. Let's enjoy it while we've got it.

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