Monday, March 30, 2009

Lighthouse Outreach Meeting #180 Quotes

There were some notable quotes from the meeting that was held on March 26th. I scribbled them down as best I could, not necessarily writing down who uttered the words to the crowd. That may or may not be a good thing. But I'd say that some of them could be used as promo posters for the project itself.

You have seen the quote from Mr. Wang on the main website "Don't count us out on Long Island." That is, of course, what every Islanders fan wants to hear. It wasn't just "Don't count us out in New York" but Long Island itself. As most of us don't consider the other boroughs part of Long Island, even if a very detailed map tells us differently.

"We want to make it happen, we MUST make it happen." That was a call to arms. Rally the troops, we're going in.

"The Lighthouse Project is the FUTURE of Long Island." I don't know why, but that made me think of the GE Theater at Disney's "Land of Tomorrow."

"We are committed to the community." After 180 meetings, who can say they aren't.

"We need to act with a sense of urgency. We need to move with certainty." Or as John Mellencamp put it "It's what you do and not what you say. If you're not part of the future, then get out of the way!"

"Suffolk's pretty far from here." Yes Mr. Wang, it is. But it certainly SEEMS closer than Brooklyn.

"I hope I get the pronunciation right -- Mike Boss-E?" Very endearing along with the story of how he had him kicked out of the owner's suite because he didn't know who he was.

A little something for the Season Ticket Holders "The Islanders will win the cup before the Rangers do."

"We cannot allow it NOT to happen for the future of Long Island and our economy," and "This has to be done UNION to do it RIGHT." Two guesses which speaker made than impassioned plea. (Hint: Read Point Blank.)

"Suburbs STARTED on Long Island. Revitalization HAPPENS on Long Island." Oh! I like that one!

"We will go to D.C. We will go to the ends of the Earth to make this project happen." Pappa, saddle the horses and load the guns. We ride at dawn.

"No other county has lost population four years in a row."

"We are losing our most vital resource." Our youth.

Bobby Nystrom is a wonderful public speaker. He captured every one's attention when he recounted his first memories of the Island. "I had the opportunity because someone had a vision."

"If you don't grow, you die." That is a valid point in just about every aspect of life. But even more important in the business and financial worlds that are gasping for breath right now.

"There will be $36.5 million in tax revenue for Uniondale school district - approximately 330 additional students enrolled." Um, excuse me, but that seems like a lot of tax money for a pretty small number of students. I don't think there would be 330 first graders all showing up on the first day of school one year. So I'm wondering what the average student requires in tax revenue. If I did the math correctly, this is $11,060 per extra student in extra taxes.

"Stay informed and keep talking to your elected officials." That was the answer to 'what can we do to help?' As it is the "elected OFFICIAL" that will make or break this deal, then the residents of the voting public need to let their feelings be known so that the "official" knows what the majority of the voting public needs and wants. Otherwise, they will think you don't care and not consider what YOU want. "Help the Town of Hempstead understand what we want and need. Speak with that ONE voice."

"I'm holding it up. I don't want it in my backyard." As the lone objection rang out. As others have said, it would have been wonderful if that lone voice elaborated their objections rather than that simple phrase. Where is her backyard? Hofstra? The McDonalds on the corner? Considering there are no residences as far as the eye can see around this property, I'd like to know where her back yard starts.

"We have a deadline. We're negotiating a lease because we think we can get it done." Nassau County does not want to lose this rental income. They need it. They want it.

"Our public transport system is non-existent and the MTA is pricing people out of using it." Ain't that the truth. How many people do YOU know that take the bus or train to anyplace ELSE other than Penn Station?

Interesting fact though, the MTA gets their money from Sales Tax revenue. I didn't know that.

"If we imagine it, it will happen." They've been imagining this thing for years. It had better happen. Mr. Wang was very telling in a quote I took from his recanting of another real estate deal he had worked on that didn't materialize. "There comes a point where I say 'That's it!'" Uh oh.

"No one has spoken for God, but I seem to think he's in favor of it." Okay then. Not going to argue with that.


Anonymous said...

"No one has spoken for God, but I seem to think he's in favor of it."
- Bishop Harris from Uniondale says that God supports the Lighthouse Project.



7th Woman said...

Thanks Tom. At least it means your reading both Point Blank AND my lowly little entries.

Unknown said...



7th Woman said...

LMAO! You mean there is SOMEONE that DOESN'T read PB? LOL... I thought that was only a myth, like Sasquatch!

Anonymous said...

See now you've met both myth busters

25yearfan said...

If only there were some miniature goats in the plan, this would have been approved already.