Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Gary Bettman Prophecy

Good Morning, and Happy Valentine's Day to all!

So I'm sitting here with my morning paper and blueberry coffee cake and I see Steve Zipay from Newsday has a little blip at the bottom of his NHL entry that I'm sure will get a few fans going.

It seems that on Friday night, as Gary Bettman was explaining the NHL had no problem with Avery returning to the league (although I do.) he made the following statement regarding the Lighthouse.

"There needs to be an economic model that works, (a new building) needs to be in conjunction with something else to make it self sustaining."

Mind you, those are not the words that are troubling. The words that Zipay himself attached to that statement are. "He reiterated that the Lighthouse project is essential for the team to remain under Charles Wang's ownership."

Connect the dots? No Lighthouse, no Charles Wang, no Charles Wang, new Islanders owners, New Islanders owners, new home for team. It is between the lines.

Okay, so since the NHL is full well behind the idea of the Lighthouse project, how about everyone get on the bandwagon by starting with their show of support for the project on February 21st at Town of Hempstead Night? Let's show the entire league that the Islanders fans are behind their team and the town that currently houses them and wants them.

Please also check out the LightPost blog for all information relating to the project as well as the Let there be Light(House) blog for interesting details on the project.

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