Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Day of Politics Large & Small

Today history was made with the swearing in of the 44th President of the United States. The 44th time a peaceful transfer of power of a nation has been concluded. The fact that this transfer of power is to the first African American President in our little more than two hundred year history makes it all that more noteworthy.

Understanding the magnitude of the ceremony, Barack Obama walked to the podium stifling the smile that was in his head. Pomp and circumstance and a wind that died down just in time. He took the oath of office on Lincoln's bible held by his wife. Proving his humanity, he screwed it up. It was called a "hinge point in history" as the country basically stopped functioning in order to watch.

The Lord's Prayer was said aloud on the White House steps. Our newest President will need all the prayers he can get. There was cannon fire, not gun shots that rang out in celebration. He called America to arms to "pick up, dust off and begin work of remaking America."

Last night Bono said the US had become irrelevant to Europeans. This election has changed that, according to him. The world knows we are a different sort of nation made up of multiple cultures. "Our patchwork history is a strength, not a weakness." Obama said emphatically. He welcomed dialog with other nations but warned terrorists "You cannot out last us, and we will defeat you."

So many obstacles; so many problems facing the nation as he takes office. I did not vote for him, but as President, I will indeed stand behind him.

Okay! More LOCAL politics as the Lighthouse and Town of Hempstead become a more 'hot button' issue with Islanders fans, I found Point Blank's morning's entry fascinating as he interviewed Kevin Gorman, the 2007 nominee for TOH Supervisor who lost by a 2 to 1 margin to Kate Murray.

I've never been more intrigued by Long Island town politics as I am now by this project. But I will say, it seems to make us, Long Island as a whole, quite laughable as other towns, cities and states build magnificent facilities and generate jobs for their residents in a third of the time that this project has already been on the table. I've heard of dragging one's feet, but this has been a large mistake considering the change in the economy over the last five years.

So then that brings us to the new Kansas City facility that is wooing our lone major sports franchise. It's like having a really good looking man, with a great job and a five carat diamond in his pocket searching for a fiance. He just took a look at our girl who is a little tired of getting jerked around waiting and waiting. Can you blame them for taking a look at each other on the dance floor? Not on your life.
Thanks to the passionate fans of the NY Islanders for speaking up. And thanks to an amazing woman with a camera at the right place.

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