Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What Is Mangano Thinking?

Okay, I wrote this little rant last night at, but in all honesty I didn't post the link because I literally passed out at the netbook.

In the light of morning, and now running once again, here's the link to my thoughts on the Casino idea that Mangano is putting up.

All I can say is... What the hell is this guy thinking?

Anything hockey related may come later as it is now a mad countdown to Easter. While the kids have "Easter break," Italian women have Easter Marathon as it's a race to Sunday getting things done. After looking over my house and yard in the cruel light of daybreak, I am pretty certain I will go from #BloggerFail to #MommyFail by Easter morning.

Too much to do.
Not enough time.
Too little money.
The story of Life on Long Island.

Just ask Ed. ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once the land is sold, i thought Kate Murray has nothing to do with it? Id love for this to happen just to stick it to her and garden city.